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95 Semaphore Rd, Semaphore

What is a Women’s Health Physiotherapist?

A physiotherapist who has a special interest in helping women with conditions that may impact them through any stage of life, often relating to pelvic health and continence. This may be in relation to urinary or bowel symptoms, sexual or persistent pelvic pain, prolapse, or a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions.

We understand the huge impact that these conditions can have on a woman’s quality of life, and are committed to educating and empowering women to help them achieve their best quality of life, health and lifestyle goals.

What conditions does a Women’s Health Physio treat?

Common conditions that we help with include:

  • Bladder and bowel concerns – incontinence and/or urgency
  • Pregnancy and postnatal exercise guidance
  • Postpartum assessment – pelvic floor and abdominal muscle separation
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Persistent pelvic pain
  • Mastitis
  • Musculoskeletal concerns

Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

We understand that pelvic health can be a complex and sensitive area. We will approach this with compassion and confidentiality.  Some of the pelvic health concerns that people may see a physiotherapist to discuss include;

  • Bladder and bowel concerns – such as urgency and incontinence
  • Sexual pain or persistent pelvic pain
  • Pelvic organ prolapse

Sometimes people don’t have any symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction, but they may be interested in learning more about factors that can impact the pelvic floor, and how to best protect their pelvic floor for the future.

Pregnancy and the Postnatal period

The body undergoes significant changes throughout the childbearing year, largely due to hormonal and postural changes that occur. This can sometimes lead women to experience pain or dysfunction.

Common conditions that we see during pregnancy include:

  • Back, neck and rib pain
  • Pelvic girdle pain
  • Abdominal muscle separation or weakness
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Pelvic floor concerns

We also see many women who aren’t experiencing any pain or dysfunction but want to maintain their strength and healthy lifestyle throughout their pregnancy.


We refer to the ‘childbearing year’, because it doesn’t finish at childbirth. During the postnatal period, hormones are returning to their pre-pregnancy levels, and the body is recovering from pregnancy and childbirth. It is common to see some weakness throughout the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor, which may contribute to some aches and pains. Or this can simply occur due to the demands of caring for a new baby. It is important to allow the body time to heal during this stage, but we can provide a combination of guidance to help optimise your recovery, and manual treatments as required.

During the postnatal period, some of the conditions we can assist with include:

  • Back, neck, pelvic and/or coccyx pain
  • Abdominal muscle separation or weakness
  • Thumb and wrist pain
  • Pain after vaginal delivery, episiotomy, perineal tear
  • Pain after caesarean section
  • Pelvic floor concerns
  • Breast engorgement, mastitis and blocked ducts

Meet our Women’s Health Physiotherapist Carly

Carly completed a Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement and Health Studies) and a Master of Physiotherapy (Graduate Entry) at the University of South Australia. Graduating in 2013, she then joined the team at Semaphore Road Physio. Throughout her career Carly has incorporated a strong focus on manual therapy for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions, combined with personalised exercise rehabilitation to help clients achieve their health and lifestyle goals.

After experiencing pregnancy and childbirth herself, Carly developed a particular interest in Women’s Health Physiotherapy and has committed to ongoing education in this field to provide her clients with the most up to date treatment approaches and education. Carly is passionate about helping women navigate the changes experienced throughout all life stages, and particularly throughout the pregnancy and postpartum periods.

Additional training –  Dry Needling, Clinical Pilates, Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

Carly is at the clinic on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Book your appointment at SRP today!

Contact our friendly team on (08) 8242 7111 or email us at to schedule your consultation.

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